On July 13th, 2024, from 11 AM to 3 PM, SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation hosted its first community meeting in many years.
The meeting, held in Metchosin and well attended by community members, provided a comprehensive update while creating space for questions and feedback. It will be the first of many ongoing meetings to build trust, provide transparency, and receive feedback from the community.
The meeting began with a meal followed by opening introductions. Then, staff members offered several presentations. Presentations were given on behalf of each of the following: Health Service Programming, Social Development, Housing, Health & Wellness Education, Children and Youth, Education, Lands Department, Ocean Resources Department, Treaty, and Finance and Administration.
Each presentation provided an inside look at one of SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation’s most important activities. The Te’mexw Treaty Association, for example, provided a comprehensive update on the status of the Treaty negotiation process, including the potential transfer of Mary Hill to SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation. The Ocean Resources Department’s presentation highlighted the Department’s current goals, such as planning a Tribal Journeys event, tracking commercial vessel traffic, monitoring Eel Grass and Bull Kelp beds, monitoring watersheds, tracking the abundance of shellfish, and more.
Mirande Metge – who represented Health and Wellness, Education, and Children and Youth – spoke on the development of legislation for Indigenous Governed Children and Family Protection services, discussed new and ongoing partnerships such as the FNHA (Rita Marshall) Community Luncheon, introduced summer programming for youth, and much more. Miranda also participated in a presentation on Beecher Bay Health alongside Krista Johnny, Angie Wikinson, and Rita Marshall. Their presentation offered an overview of all current health programming, information about the community health nurse, and opportunities for preventative and maternal, child, and family care.
The Financial, Economic Initiatives, and Capital Projects presentations also covered critical information.
The Financial Report discussed the journey towards better financial health for SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation over the last several years as well as the three current Specific Claims in process: The Rocky Point Village Site, the Creyke Point Village Site, and Witty’s Lagoon Village Site.
The Economic Initiatives presentation covered updates on Centre Mountain Business Park, SC’IA⁄NEW Development Corporation’s lands, Spirit Bay, and Spotiel Marine Services.
Lastly, Capital Projects provided a presentation on all projects currently in development, including the cultural and wellness community centre, the subdivision for band members, the active transportation corridor, and increased water storage and distribution lines.
Throughout the meeting, community members in attendance participated by submitting written questions and concerns, raising queries about youth representation in SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation’s work, land use, opportunities to monitor forest health, and more.
Also in attendance was communications agency Remarkable Communications, which provided technical support and live-streamed the meeting for community members who were unable to attend in person. Any community member interested in receiving access to the recording is encouraged to contact the Band Office.
SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation sincerely thanks each and every attendee for their presence, patience, understanding, and attention throughout the event. SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation also thanks each of the speakers, and the Metchosin Fire Department for their generous assistance with set up. If you have any feedback to offer us on this community meeting, please contact our office: 250-478-3535
This meeting is just one of the many ways SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation is working to create a culture of transparency in the community. To stay up to date on this story and other opportunities to engage with SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation, please subscribe to the SC’IA⁄NEW First Nation newsletter.